Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 100 - Stent Freedom / Treatment End

Yesterday I had my first day since October 1st without a foreign object in my kidney. That's great news not only because I can move and lift without restriction, but the tumor has shrunk enough that it is no longer resting on the drain pipe for my kidney. To relate, it probably feels most like having a cast taken off a leg after walking on crutches for 3 months.

I have tenatively committed to returning to full-time work and grad school on February 16th (Day 130). Of course this is pending my doctors approval after my 3rd CT scan. I'm excited to have the tumor gone completely. I feel confident the dietary changes I have made over the past 3 months will have a significant impact on the chances of the cancer returning.

For those of you who are LDS, many key phrases in the Word of Wisdom have taken on a new understanding - vs. 14 "...grain is ... to be the staff of life," vs. 17 "wheat for man," and vs. 18-21 "And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings ... shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones ... And I, the Lord, give unto thee a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them."

I have learned much about the negative effects of eating sugar and dairy produced using hormones, and eating too much enriched flour and meats. I have also learned much about the positive impacts whole foods have on the body, particularly the properties of wheat. Among other things, wheat grass juice, wheat sprouts, and home-made, whole wheat bread have become staples of my new diet.

Thank you for humoring me with a little of my preaching. And thank you again and again for your hope, faith, and prayers.



Travis and Heather said...

congrats to you Greg! I how that it continues to go well for you. I am strengthened by your testimony. I don't know you well, but I am glad to have you in the family. You are a good man.

Amy said...

I'm so glad that things are going so well for you, Greg...I remember reading the Word of Wisdom when Kimmy was sick and it truly does take on new meaning. It's funny how we forget that these things were given to us for our good. I love you and am glad you're getting better.

Candice said...

Hurray for Stent Freedom!! I'm so glad that you are doing well. I too, have learned alot about wheat, I'm glad that you are enjoying it's nutritional benefits. Hope all goes well these next few weeks.