Thursday, February 26, 2009

Oh ... that hair!

Some of you have wondered what I might look like as my hair returns. Being bald has its advantages, but there are advantages (especially during the Winter) to having hair. You might wonder ...will it be thick and lustrous? Now that Fabio is crashing into birds on roller coasters, with whom do you measure the sexiness of a man's hair. Oscar Bluth from Arrested Development might now be our best example.
Okay, so I'm not there yet ... but its coming.

You can't really see the growth in this first picture.

Now I'll have to admit that seeing myself without any eyebrows or eyelashes is a little disturbing, but I'll be looking as sexy as Oscar Bluth in no time at all.



Breton Friel said...

That's pretty sad if the sexiness of Oscar Bluth is now the end goal you are striving for, although those were some illustrious wavy locks. I'm placing my bet that your hair will come back either like Weird Al's or Snoop Dogg's.

Alli said...

You are so funny! and sadly, if you hair comes back like oscar Bluth I would run in fright! ha ha kidding. Glad to see it coming in slowly!